Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My Big News!

I’m so excited to let you know that I graduate TODAY from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition! It’s the start of an exciting new chapter in my life! The course itself has been an amazing journey – listening to, and learning from, some of the most influential people in the holistic healthcare world (Mark Hyman, Andrew Weil, Neal Barnard, to name a few.) Since the start of the program, I’m truly aware of just how much we take our food for granted, without considering that what we eat affects our bodies in so many more ways than just providing nutrients and energy.

I've always thought that perpetual tiredness, being a light sleeper, and neglecting self-care were all natural components of motherhood, and I learned to accept this “new normal” over the years. I spent over a decade making my family the priority and not myself (by skipping breakfasts and lunches, snacking with the kids, not having time to exercise, and staying up waaaay too late in an attempt to squeeze more time out of the day) and thinking that it wouldn’t matter. Then, last spring, on top of everything else, I had a severe bout of vertigo that lasted well over a month, and also “discovered” that I have tinnitus, which unfortunately doesn't go away. This, along with all the other annoying daily aches and discomforts, was telling me that I was obviously doing something very, very wrong. It was around this time that some of the lectures in my nutrition course indicated that my body was reacting negatively to the foods I was eating, that I should take care of myself first, and that I could also take matters into my own hands merely by changing what and how I eat.

Since making gradual changes in my diet and my daily routine, my energy-levels are higher; I haven’t had any more bouts of vertigo or lightheadedness; my skin has noticeably improved (despite this long and dry winter); and most importantly, I’m sleeping more soundly and definitely falling asleep with greater ease. On top of this, I have a stronger body, mental clarity, a more positive outlook, and increased happiness. To be honest, I feel younger than I felt ten years ago. Personally, I would prefer to age without "inviting" discomfort, pain or illness, or at least take the steps in building a stronger, healthier, resilient body. Rather than waiting to be really sick to take action, I feel like NOW is the perfect time to uphold a truly healthy lifestyle, and not take things for granted any longer.

Consider that any of these health concerns are a sign of inflammation: mood disorders, arthritis, skin conditions, allergies, decreased immune function (are you always getting sick?), chronic sinus congestion, ADHD, autism, tummy fat, bowel urgency, joint pain, migraines, dandruff, sleeplessness, or anything that just doesn’t feel “right” or is always recurring. These can possibly build up to more chronic illnesses such as cancer or diabetes. As a health coach who has been studying different foods and dietary theories for the past year, I help people understand that food may reverse these conditions by understanding what foods work best for each individual.

If food can be the cure, why not make the most out of your three meals a day and “work it” to your advantage? We’re not talking about any specific diet or counting calories, but rather a commonsense shift in your food choices. Throughout my own health journey, I’ve had support from my amazing IIN classmates/fellow coach network. Now I am prepared (and qualified!) to support you, your family, your friends, your colleagues, your colleagues’ friends, etc. ;)

I’m embarking on a new career that has already changed my life. I love the fact that I now have the knowledge to help myself and my own family. I would love to help all of you to become more educated food shoppers; work with you to create menus for your meals that optimize your health; and give you insight into what foods fit you. Contact me for a free 50-minute Health History consultation. From the comprehensive 12-Session program to a single Healthy Check-In session, we can work together in many ways – in person, via skype or even a phone call. What would you like to talk about?

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